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Technology Laws


The brilliance of this field lies in the unique problem-solving: blending technical research and legal analysis often involving gray or uncharted areas of the law. Truly appreciating the legal, business, and regulatory issues facing innovative technologies means also looking beyond legal nuance, to considerations of investors, government agencies,  competitors, among others.     


Bellwether Law can be the ideal partner to technology companies, delivering advantages in value and cost in the key skills and expertise required:

(1) gaining a deep understanding of the innovative technology and key business issues driving the specific markets and general industry; and 

(2) researching / analyzing critically the general regulatory frameworks to divine sector- and technology-specific legal advice and strategies. 

Among the various current innovative applications and related regulatory issues, 

  • Software, Internet 

  • Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology 

  • Privacy, Data Protection.​

  • FinTech 

  • Biotech 


BUT Bellwether's Technology Practice also extends variously beyond this common current set of issues. 


Bellwether's Technology Practice covers current prominent areas, such as: ​​

Bellwether brings experience as counsel owning the research and analysis into R&D, operations, functions and capabilities of a variety of clients’ technology applications.

These have included fields involving various advanced biochemistry, engineering, and other technical applications, from nanotech and polymer chemistry, to satellite technology, to food science or complex trading strategies. 

Bellwether provides both creative and practical analysis and solutions, whether in transactions, regulatory & compliance, or evaluating / advising on potential claims, contract disputes, or responses to regulatory and government inquiries.

With a quick-study mentality and science research background, this means analyzing whatever technical issues and aspects are required.


Adding regulatory savvy from extensive experience analyzing various state and federal frameworks, I know how to address often-encountered tensions and conflicts between progress and inapposite existing legal frameworks.

Technology Transactions

  • Acquisitions & Sales

  • Transfers & Assignments

  • Inbound & outbound licenses 

  • Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances  

  • Research & Development  

  • Internet, E-commerce arrangements

  • Software, SaaS license 

  • End-user licenses, other forms

  • Patent licenses 

  • Distribution   

  • Manufacturing, Supply, Sourcing

  • Hosting, Consulting services  

  • Maintenance & Support   

  • Outsourcing  

  • Confidentiality agreements

Bellwether delivers its advantages because, while developing appropriate strategies requires a familiarity and understanding of applicable laws—more important than familiarity or working knowledge, are the skills to identify and deconstruct the key legal and technical issues, think and analyze critically potential solutions, and through these develop the strategic approach.


Broader industry regulations and standards come into play depending on how and where these technologies are implemented. Bellwether brings extensive experience analyzing policy and requirements under various state and federal frameworks to craft strategies that aim to minimize risk and integrate these innovative applications as seamlessly as possible.

Litigation Risks

While all business ventures face potential litigation risks—such risks are often elevated in the case of disruptive technologies. With extensive experience handling all stages of litigation matters, Bellwether can advise your business on the steps to resolve any disputes without litigation, and, if necessary, file suit or defend you against private parties or government entities that bring actions against you. 


Beyond Technology-Specific Laws 

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