DRIVING VALUE means treating legal counsel as it should be—A Client Company’s Investment.
Bellwether Law’s Full-Service Practice is a sophisticated general counsel resource:
Matter-by-matter, moving seamlessly across the range of legal issues, OR
As Outside General Counsel
As structured, Bellwether’s services are value-driven alternatives to firm or in-house options, reducing costs and enhancing product.
Sophisticated Analysis Efficiently Delivered
Bellwether draws on the insights and legal knowledge from a uniquely diverse practice experience, developing deep foundations across litigation, transactional analysis, regulatory and compliance strategies, as well as legislative and policy insights.
Having worked across practice areas, industries, and variously sized companies, and successfully gained the subject matter expertise by owning the research, due diligence, and analysis—Bellwether brings insight and advantages in delivering broad strategic counsel:
Versatility & Specialized Knowledge are functions of the research, critical thinking and analytical approach
Traversing established legal issues is advantaged by resources and fundamental knowledge
True tests are in navigating legal gray areas, uncharted territories, and/or complex business technical issues
Practice “norms” of tiered teams (funneling from junior through senior), unnecessary use of multidisciplinary groups, or general redundancies are simply counterproductive
The unnecessary costs dilute the net value of work product, and eat away at companies’ return on their investment in legal counsel.
Volume, not substance, should be the primary trigger for more hands;
Reiterative experiences behind "specialty" teams are not often linked to value.
Hierarchical tiers bring costs through inefficiencies and inherent over-pricing.

Large Firm Analysis, Small Firm Flexibilities
Bellwether brings the experience and skills tested and developed working with / against some of the country’s top attorneys, but packaged in a practice inherently:
more conducive to cost-effective approaches;
more flexible to facilitate client collaboration and comprehensive due diligence as needed.

Whether forming or growing the business, hiring, negotiating / executing business contracts, evaluating intellectual property, addressing compliance, evaluating litigation risks, etc.— central to each decision is tailoring the strategy to the company’s objectives, as well to the business, industry, location(s), among other things.
The design of Bellwether’s practice is to centralize the knowledge and counsel, progressively delivering enhanced results through insight.